Summit Primary Schools

Summit Primary Schools remain committed to providing an academically rigorous education to students who will walk out of school ready for lives of leadership and service to their community. From literacy to music and art, each day at the Summit Schools is filled with activities that are both enriching and fun.

We strive to be committed to the students we are privileged to serve, in our alumni association, our dedicated, talented faculty and staff. We also take pride in having the most active and helpful group of partners, visionary parents, well-wishers, alumni and friends.

Every day at the Summit Primary Schools is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Francis Mpaata— Headteacher, Njeru

We strongly believe that every child is important and has a God-given gift to become an extraordinary individual in this world

David Wamboko— Headteacher, Jinja

We are a school where every child feels loved

Julius Ibanda— Busar, Njeru

Summit Schools at a Glance

Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
Mission Statement

To create a friendly and empowering learning environment

Our Vision

To be a national model for a wholesome nursery and primary education

Our Core Values
  1. Loving: Every child you encounter is a divine appointment.
  2. Excellence: Children are like wet cement: whatever falls on them makes an impression.
  3. Growing: Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven. You have to love your children unselfishly.

Meet Our Teachers

Njeru Campus

Denise Mukey

Baby Class

Esther Asio

Baby Class

Janet Kiror

Middle Class.

Brian Mwase

Primary Four

Linda Nabirye

Primary One

Jinja Campus

Martha Musubika

Baby Class

Rebecca Tumusiime

Top Class

Norah Naiwumbwe

Primary One

Emmanuel Ikanga

Primary Four

Tr. Tumisiime Brenda

Primary One

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